Chakra Anklets, Chakra Balance, Chakra Harmony, Chakra Healing Jewelry

Collection: Chakra Anklets, Chakra Balance, Chakra Harmony, Chakra Healing Jewelry



Chakra Jewelry, when made by knowledgeable practitioners, with genuine gemstones, will "tune-up" your chakras and get them running in perfect alignment.

Chakra anklets made with genuine gemstones can indeed be used as tools to help align, balance, energize, heal, and promote overall well-being. Each gemstone is associated with a specific chakra, and by wearing an anklet with these gemstones, you can potentially support the flow of energy within your body.

Here are seven gemstones commonly associated with the chakras and their corresponding chakras:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Red Jasper or Smoky Quartz: These gemstones are believed to ground and stabilize the energy of the root chakra, promoting feelings of stability, security, and physical vitality. 
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) - Carnelian or Orange Calcite: These gemstones are associated with creativity, passion, and emotional balance. They are believed to enhance the flow of energy within the sacral chakra, which governs emotions, sensuality, and sexuality.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - Citrine or Yellow Jasper: These gemstones are believed to stimulate the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. They can help restore balance and promote a sense of inner strength.
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Rose Quartz or Green Aventurine: These gemstones are associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing. They are believed to open and heal the heart chakra, promoting self-love, forgiveness, and harmonious relationships.
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) - Sodalite or Blue Lace Agate: These gemstones are associated with clear communication, self-expression, and intuition. They are believed to activate and balance the throat chakra, promoting effective communication and facilitating the expression of thoughts and feelings.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) - Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli: These gemstones are associated with intuition, spiritual awareness, and clarity of thought. They are believed to enhance the third eye chakra, promoting inner wisdom, psychic abilities, and a deeper connection to one's spirituality.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) - Clear Quartz or Amethyst: These gemstones are associated with spiritual enlightenment, connection to higher consciousness, and universal energy. They are believed to activate and harmonize the crown chakra, fostering spiritual growth, wisdom, and a sense of unity with the universe.

When wearing chakra anklets made with these genuine gemstones, the belief is that the energy of the stones interacts with your body's energy, helping to realign and balance the chakras. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness and experiences associated with chakra jewelry may vary from person to person. It is always beneficial to combine such practices with other holistic approaches, such as meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing techniques, to support overall well-being.


There is no standard size for an anklet, but an average size medium anklet is 9.5 Inches. We make custom anklets, so we have anklets for small ankles, anklets for big ankles, plus size anklets, and every size in between, 

How are anklets supposed to fit?  You should be able to slip your finger beneath the chain without it pulling. If it pulls, it is too small and may snap when you walk with it on.

There is no standard size for an anklet, but an average size medium anklet is 9.5 Inches. We make custom anklets, so we have anklets for small ankles, anklets for big ankles, plus size anklets, and every size in between,  How are anklets supposed to fit?  You should be able to slip your finger beneath the chain without it pulling. If it pulls, it is too small and may snap when you walk with it on.

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